Saturday, May 09, 2009

Garden Update

Well I figure that it's about time for a little update. I really haven't done that much in the way of garden beds or other things, but my little plants have really grown. In fact, I feel bad because I haven't put them in a permanent location yet and some of the seedlings are becoming root bound. I will have to take care of them soon. We have been very wet around here so it's been hard getting into the garden. In the last two weeks, we have received about 10 inches of rain. The plants have loved the extra water.

In this picture, you will see that our little vegetable garden is doing quite well. The lettuce is called Butter Crisp and it doesn't form heads. so we have been going out and cutting leaves as needed and it has created some weird looking lettuce trees. We have really been enjoying it.

This is one of our cauliflower plants and it's really kind of strange. If formed this little head a few weeks ago and then the head started growing again. It never really looked like the heads you get in the store so I'm not sure what it's supposed to look like when it's ready to harvest. I will just have to wait and see what happens.

This is Catherine's little flower bed we planted last year for Mother's Day. As you can see, the Lantana's are starting to take over which I kind of knew would happen. I will have to move one of the plant's before too long or increase the size of the bed.

These are my little plants still in the "temporary" pots. They need to be transplanted badly, but as you can see, they look pretty healthy and some are even blooming. Those are coreopsis plants.

This is one of the coreopsis blooms. This is called "Mardi Gras". Isn't that a neat flower?