Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Great American Road Trip

Just wanted to post some information that really doesn't have to do with gardening this time. Not everyone enjoys having music automatically playing when they visit a blog but I kind of like having it to listen to, especially when it's music I like. That being said, most of you reading this knows that we will be leaving in a little while for the great American road trip heading up to Colorado and then on to Yellowstone for a vacation. And to be honest, I can't wait! I am so ready to go, I wish we could leave tomorrow. Anyway, I decided to look for some great road trip songs. I think you know what I mean. When you hear those songs, you can actually see yourself traveling down the highway with the wind in your hair and the sun shining and not a care in the world. I decided that I would create a playlist that had some of those songs. So if you are hankerin to go on vacation somewhere, make sure you give these a listen and see if it doesn't make you want to hit the road right now.

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