It's January 30 and the temperature is in the mid 50's. It's partly cloudy and we are expecting rain tomorrow. I got home around 4 and noticed that the bees are bringing in Pollen. Not a huge amount but many of the bees were returning with full baskets. I saw this activity from all five hives which makes me pretty happy.
The pollen must be heavy because several of the bees came in a little too low and had to come up to the entrance. One girl decided to take a little rest on my pants before she entered the colony.
I haven't gone in yet this year to check to see if the queen has started laying. I suspect she has, because we had temperatures in the 70's and 80's pretty much all this week. A cold front has come in and temps next week are going to be back to normal with highs in the 40's and 50's. If there is no wind and the sun is out, they will be able to get a lot done. I looked in the two, single deep hives and check on the sugar that I gave them about two weeks ago. They are really starting to eat that and I may
have to add some more at some point. It won't be long before I can do a complete inspection and see what's going on in there.
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